Clinical Kinesiology and Anatomy
5th Edition
Lynn S. Lippert PT, MS
ISBN-13: 978-0-8036-2363-7
© 2011 Paperback 432 pages
The 5th Edition of this classic kinesiology text continues the tradition of presenting a very complicated topic in a clear, simple, and easy-to-understand manner. Bite size sections and over 500 full color illustrations show how various anatomical systems are connected and help you identify and see the connection between common pathologies associated with certain anatomical structures.
Key Features
Introductory chapters that present an essential foundation in body systems, terminology, and biomechanical principles.
Easy to understand explanations of axes of planes, torque, and leverage, and the many grasping functions of the hand.
Well-designed charts in each chapter that summarize companion movements and prime movers.
Use of analogies throughout the text to make concepts comprehensible and memorable.
Points to Remember, Summary of Muscles, Summary of Muscle Innervation, and Summary of Muscle Action tables.
End-of-chapter review questions to help you retain and understand the human body from a clinical and functional perspective.
New To This Edition
Nearly 500 hundred meticulously revised, updated, and new line drawings in full color.
Over 40 illustrations showing muscle layers to help you to visualize the different layers of the muscles and how they work in conjunction with each other.
More integrated coverage of basic concepts with specific joints, including…
arthrokinematics of individual joints
open/closed chain activities of individual joints
leverage changes and advantages with individual joints
Additional information on concentric and eccentric contractions.
A brand-new chapter on the circulatory system that examines the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems to keep you up to date on this important topic.
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Table of Contents
Basic Clinical Kinesiology and Anatomy
Basic Information
Skeletal System
Articular System
Muscular System
Nervous System
Circulatory System
Basic Biomechanics
Clinical Kinesiology and Anatomy of the Upper Extremities
Shoulder Girdle
Shoulder Joint
Elbow Joint
Wrist Joint
Clinical Kinesiology and Anatomy of the Trunk
Temporomandibular Joint
Neck and Trunk
Respiratory System
Pelvic Girdle
Clinical Kinesiology and Anatomy of the Lower Extremities
Hip Joint
Knee Joint
Ankle Joint and Foot
Clinical Kinesiology and Anatomy of the Body
Answers to Review Questions